Office Address France
Independent Contractor

Office Address France Independent Contractor  -

Do you want to be self employed in France ?

Are you an independant contractor who wishes to separate your office address from your private address ?

Do you want to start a business at a lower cost by limiting investments ?

With UBIDOCA, you can :
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  • create your own business without using your private address
  • save money by reducing your management costs (no lease for a shop or an office)
  • have a personal assistance for your business creation : help in your registration process, declaration formalities etc.

The advantages of this service :
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  • You have a permanent office address in France. It implies less formalities in case you decide to relocate your business.
  • You can read your mail by internet wherever you are.
  • You can use our complementary services such as invoice payment on your behalf and local printing of documents to be sent.
  • All your mail and parcels are received and treated each day (see our three mail processing methods below); you have more time to devote yourself to your business.

Questions on the independent contractor status ?
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  • You can set up your own business in France very easily with a simplified tax system, that enables you to pay contributions only on a percentage of what you have earned. If you earn nothing, you don’t pay anything.

This status is the best solution if you want to experiment running your own business, easily start or stop a new activity.

This independant contractor status in known in France as Micro-entreprise, or auto entrepreneur since 2009.

For more informations follow this link.

How much does it cost ?

Service Cost
Registered independent contractor address in France 4.17 euros per month + VAT

The first 3 months of subscription are required for a new registration.

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