Send Postal Mail from France

You are in another country and you need to send a postal mail (ordinary or registered) from France ?

Our team is at your service to help you according to your needs.

  1. You have already written the mail to be sent : send it by email in PDF format. As soon as we receive it, we print it and send it back the same day to your correspondent by ordinary or registered mail (according to your instructions).
  2. You prefer that we write the mail on your behalf : all you have to do is to send by e-mail the nature of your mail (lease termination, complaint to an after-sales service, professional mail, bank mail, etc.), and the essential informations to enable us to write it for you. Our staff then drafts a first version of your mail which is then sent to you by email for validation. Once validated, we immediately send it by ordinary or registered mail (according to your instructions).
  3. You are facing a complex dispute that cannot wait for your return to France ? Our legal team is at your disposal to help you and advise you in the legal procedures to be taken care of from your place of expatriation.
    • We can handle the drafting of official mail (e. g. letter of formal notice), the sending from France of the necessary registered mail, and carry out legal researches to resolve your case.

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